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24 September, 2023 Techniques

How To Take Action

When you are using any sort of mind technique- affirmation, visualization, the super effective Haipule combination, meditation, belief clearing-  you are changing what the subconscious mind believes.

This has two interesting effects.

One, you feel good right now. Your life energy is flowing through new, positive beliefs.

Two, because of this, the life events that are lining themselves up to happen reflect the new beliefs as well, so they will also feel good.

Do you get the implications of this? If you visualize, affirm, meditate, or otherwise make yourself feel better, you are taking direct control of your life events- and you know if you're doing a good job by how you feel.

I get the shivers spelling this out. It's just stunningly powerful to know this. Especially when you get over any propensity to visualize small fry and go big, bold and courageous.

So far so good. You got rid of limiting beliefs, you visualize something truly amazing you want. You've done it every day, maybe several times a day, and you can tell how some things in your experience are already happening in ways they didn't use to. You were a "good experiential citizen" and acknowledged that things were already changing. There were a few close equivalents to your visualizing that didn't really pan out, and you didn't worry about them too much, just acknowledging they mean you're on the right direction.

But then...

... the big day comes and you can tell that "coincidences" are lining up and by golly it really looks like this time it's really going to happen.

But now what???

You mentally saw yourself win a ball game, and now you're standing there ball in hand, and you've got to go ahead and do it. You saw yourself closing a deal and setting up a contract, you imagined the terms, and now you've got to go aheand and have a talk and sign it. You wanted a new passport, and you studied easy and well, and now it's time to take the citizenship test. You imagined being loved by a certain person and the time seems just right time to ask them if they'd like to see you again... and then you have to actually go and meet them again!

When you've done a really good job changing your beliefs and imagining something happening, you might not need to worry about action at all- you just sit tight until it's irresistible to do stuff, and it all just kind of comes naturally. If that's how it happens, great! Then, the only thing to keep in mind is it not acting when you're feeling bad, or as little as possible, so you don't reinforce it. If doing things comes naturally when good things come your way- then you're done! Congratulations.

Other times, it might not be perfectly obvious what to do, even though you seem pretty well on the way to something great. You've got someone to do business with sitting there, but it's not perfectly clear where it's going. You may be meeting someone you like, but it's not quite clear what to do, or what not to do, or to do things without doing something disingenuous. If you've tipped the balance of your thinking really well but there still might be some residual old thinking, this is a type of situation you might get.

Or, you might be sitting at home and wondering whether you should go to a certain party, or what to do when you're there.

The normal way of acting is usually pretty haphazard. You just kind of bumble along, and everything seems pretty random and it's completely unclear whether it even makes sense to be where you are.

Luckily, there is a way of acting that fits perfectly with the thoughts-and-energy-first approach to life.

You might have noticed that there is a huge amount of explaining of thought-changing happening here in an article about action. This is on purpose- the thinking part is more important. If you get your thoughts lined up right, you can stumble into the good things in any number of ways- if this situation doesn't work, there will be another one. But if your thoughts are opposed, even the most perfect action won't get you anywhere because your life events and your thinking just simply are out of whack with where you want to go. Then any action will result in trying and failing. If you're not sure, but could be in a good place- by all means, go ahead and act. But don't act too much when you just feel completely out of whack- it's usually better to change your beliefs first.

So once you're clearly in a situation where acting makes sense- this is when you can use this style of acting to give you the best possible chance of getting the results you want.

As you may remember, you are a three-part being that is made up of a conscious mind that makes decisions and guides your attention. Then there is your subconscious mind that remember things and runs your body. Then there is your higher self that is in contact with your subconscious that lines up your life events, gives as much inspiration as it can and manages all the unseen aspects of life experience.

So the acting is not really done by you at all. The acting is done by your subconscious mind. You consciously only give instructions on what you want done. It's just like more visualizing and affirming but it's directed toward the current situation. And then you get out of the way and let your subconscious mind do its thing. You don't sit there and actively monitor and control everything that's supposed to happen. That is a recipe for awkwardness. You're subconscious mind already knows how to do what you want it to do- be it charm somebody, climb a hill, or write something nice. And even if it doesn't, it's directly connected to your higher self. It has access to any information and any skill, immediately. Your conscious mind is extremely limited by comparison- it could never keep up. That's why smart people are sometimes said to be 'overthinking' things or being 'in their head'- they are trying to do with their conscious mind things that the conscious mind simply wasn't designed to take care of in any detail. It's just the wrong tool for the job.

I would guess this is a cultural thing- a lot of subconscious matters were handled by the church, and thinking about them in detail was a way to take back authority. That is a very good thing! But using the conscious mind in this way might be a bit of an overraction- you don't have to consciously run everything, especially not how to do something. It is entirely possible to have authority, take direction yourself, but still use your own subsconsious mind up to the details.

The same way you it's good not to worry about how things are going to happen when you visualize or do affirmations, and leave it up to "the universe" or "coincidence" or the higher self- it's also good not to worry about how your subconscious mind is going to handle exactly what's right in front of you. But it is good to tell it which result you want. Then, get out of the way, and let it do its thing. Don't monitor too deep, don't intervene too much, don't really do anything- let your subconscious mind handle things.

For example- say, you wanted a drink of Coke from the fridge. You're on the couch.

You think of the Coke in the fridge for a split second, and before you know it you're in the kitchen and then back on the couch, Coke in hand. Fizz!

That was an incredibly complex operation.

Countless nerve impulses had to be sent out in just the right way, incorporating visual sensory data, interpreting it, combining it with memory, all to get you walking and taking and recognizing and holding and moving. But all it took for you to get all of that done was a tenth of a second worth of imagery.

So that's what the situation is when you've done something many times before and you know you can do it.

When you've not done something before in just that way- there's a neat little trick to get your subconscious into action without overcontrolling it into failure.

You tell it what to do in terms of the result.

You say: Hey, subconsious mind! Please go and act in ways that will result in (INSERT RESULT HERE).

So if you're in the meeting where you are going to make a lot of money and give back your talent in wonderful ways- you say: Hey! Subsconscious mind!!! Act in ways that will result in closing the deal.

If you are going to a party, and you may have already gotten rid of a few less-than-charming beliefs about other people or gatherings or yourself- remember, thinking is the most important part- then you went to the party easily! But now that you're there, maybe you're not quite sure what to do next. Then you can say:

"Hey, subconscious mind! This is a party. Parties are about fun, and connecting with people. Act in ways that will result in a lot of fun, and share that fun!"

And then just go with whatever you seem to spontaneously gravitate to, and let your subconscious mind have fun at the party. It knows how to do it.

You see, there is a lot of advice out there that says: Just be yourself.

There is a lot of truth to that but it's also easy to overdo it. There are two ways you could go about it.

The first way is: Just go ahead an do what comes naturally. This is much better than trying to use a conscious mind to do the subsconcious mind's job, and try to badger it through every step of the way. Lift left foot, subsconscious mind. Okay right foot. You'll look weird as hell doing this this way and get tired and achy. So plain old "just be yourself" is much better than this overcontrollingness. But the downside here is that whatever negative beliefs you have about yourself, you will act out those if you just do stuff spontaneously with no deliberate thinking involved.

The same thing happens if you're in a situation and give no guidance to your subsconscious mind why you're there and what's supposed to happen. So if you're at a party, and you're afraid of something embarrassing happening, "embarrassingness" becomes the subsconscious mind's best guess at why you're there- and clumsy it gets. So it's not really clumsy- it's executing to perfection its best guess at what it's supposed to do, and the fear is telling it to be clumsy.

So if you just go ahead and say:

"OK subsconscious, we're at a party- parties are there to have fun and not be too serious- so act in ways that are fun for us and everyone else."

Then, that's clear guidance. It's good to repeat once in a while:

"Ok subsconscious, still at the party, fun is what this is all about!"

The nice part is that the subconscious won't go all 100% super goofy if you say this. That only happens if you fearfully and overcontrollingly try to avoid being not-fun. Then the situation can get a bit cringy- the vibe of cringe is the trying-to-control. But if you kind of give your subconscious some space, and a clear instruction- then you just act however it feels most natural to act as a part of that gathering automatically, because doing anything else probably wouldn't be a lot of fun! You just don't have to worry about things any more. And you will most likely occasionally do little cool things that surprise you and the others and you will all have a good time. You might also find yourself doing very compassionate things like bringing other people in, because feeling tense is no fun for them. All with a simple intention in mind and lots of trust, and space.

You don't even have to worry too much about what sort of instruction you give, in detail. What's important is that you give one, and have it be in positive and uplifting in some way. It doesn't have to be spectacular. More or less fitting with the situation is plenty. Then you're good! Trust, and you will automatically act in the best way possible to bring you as close as you can get to what you want.

It will work in any situation to the extent possible. But the best results come about when you already brought out the situation on purpose by visualizing and turning your beliefs into positive ones.

There four types of things you can do in life experience: Thinking thoughts, speaking, thinking or writing words (which are clarified symbols of thoughts), bringing up energy, and taking action.

Let's say already took care of thoughts and words because you were visualizing and describing some kind of situation you wanted. You did some good energy breathing, and the way you painted the pictures in your mind struck a cord with you so well you it gets you really excited. Now you've got three of four bases covered.

Now if you tell your subconscious mind to act in ways that will bring out the result you want, you have done an entire creation cycle deliberately, on purpose.

Note you are always doing all of these, but you might be do them haphazardly. The ways you're doing these things out of habit might not work all that well, given what you would like to happen. That's okay- that can change. And if you start doing it deliberately more often- you've consciously created an experience, all on your own. That's real shamanism.

You can look at any experience- deliberate or not- as a complete cycle of a Haipule, a traditional Huna ritual to make things happen. The formal ritual uses thought, words, energy and symbolic action all at once, and the four elements strengthen each other. You do it many times per day until the circumstances are arranged so that what you dreamed of comes about. Then, you replace the symbolic action with real action- and you don't really do the action, you give the directly and let your subconscious do it. You don't have to go and check if you're doing it right- you did the energy work, and you can help it along by interpreting what's happening in a positive way to keep the flow going. And then you will have the experience you want- and the Haipule is complete, what you wanted happened.

A highly recommend doing this a lot- every time you do it will give you more and more confidence and power.

But even if your visualizing is off or non-existant, you're so-so with your affirmations and you do them off and on, and nothing is quite in a great flow yet- even then, you will get a lot *improvement* if you give your subconscious mind instructions and then get out of the way and let it do its thing, instead of forcing it. And it will most always get easier when you do it again.

By taking part in your consciously created dream by acting in it, you will have realized the direction you traditionally make to the higher self at every formal Haipule session: You will have made the unseen become seen.

Make the unseen become seen. Wow. Personally, that's what I'm here on earth for. How about you?

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