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2 November, 2024 How-To

A Full Haipule Example: Manifesting Lots Of Money As Fast As Possible

A full example of manifesting a life-changing sum of money using the Haipule technique. It could be used for other life-changing goals.

I gave a quick definition of the Haipule, the main Huna reality shaping technique. This is the heavy-duty tool. If you want to pick up a career in acting at age 50, this is the tool to use. If you think something is impossible by any reasonable way, but you are still fascinated by it- Haipule will get the job done.

I will take the example of having ten million bucks. Add or lose a zero if you like, doesn't matter- we are talking about a stupendous amount of money for those who aren't used to it. I take a personal power goal on purpose- I feel that most of us have an easier time helping others than standing up in the most deserving way possible and say: This big thing is what I would like for me! But having said that- my teacher Serge likes to use the Haipule for world peace. If you look at the trend- it's working.

Pick a situation you want to experience

So that's the first thing you want- a specific goal. You can do it on something vague, like world peace- but that's harder because you have to trust the feeling you had a positive effect. I like to have at least one big goal where it's just clear as day that I had an effect upon success. $10M showing in your bank app will do that. I also like the idea of helping yourself first- if you have a lot of money lying around, you are going to have a lot of time on your hands to meditate on all sorts of other things. But that's all very personal reasons to chose the example- please start with whatever you want more of in your life for whatever reasons you have. Love, a specific relationship, a career, a skill, a business, a possession, a series of events, a change in the world, you name it.

I will chose having ten million bucks in my bank account as an example. This is a long term wealth goal. It's a big adventure, because I am going to be a very different person on achieving it. Yet, I trust, I will still be fundamentally me, and possibly even more of my essence than before. But it itches me in just the right way, so this is going to be it.

Do A Long Haipule

The Haipule ritual comes in long and short variants. The long one could take about half an hour or so or longer, especially at first. The purpose of taking time is mostly to use your imagination to clarify what you want.

Set up your happy place

For a longish imaginative meditation session, I always recommend to find a nice comfy place, your happy place. A hammock outdoors in a comfortable climate works wonders for me, but I will also happily make do with a couch that was made for people who are serious about relaxation. But that's personal- hammocks and couches work well for me because I don't have any negative beliefs about looking too comfortable. If you find that an itchy shirt and a treadmill are what work for you- go for it!

Create thought forms

Okay so the goal is ten million bucks. So I'm in my comfortable relaxing space where I probably won't be interrupted much or at all. So- what would I be seeing if I had ten million bucks that I wouldn't see now? How would I know it happened? So I was playing with different ideas on how to best express my goal. What does $10M mean specifically? A boat? A house? A car?

I really don't know. It could mean that I live just like now but I have a company that's doing stuff I think is important, and I'm in charge. It could mean I'm wearing fancy clothes. But I could also be doing all of those things, and have a completely different bank balance. That wasn't working. It was just the first thing that came to mind.

So I decided to take a step back and keep it really simple. The way I know that I have ten million bucks is if I check my bank balance. Now I usually use my phone to do that- you could be using your computer, or you could get a letter form your bank every month, or a PDF to download. It doesn't matter, what's important is to use the way that you normally would look at your bank account. So for me, that's an app on my phone. So I realize- what I really want is for everything to be more or less as it is now, except that my bank account has changed. So I won't worry about investing money, or saving money, or spending it, or earning it, or anything like that. If any of that comes naturally, that's great! But the goal I will be visualizing is having the money. Just having it. Just being there, and it's mine.

So I make a small decision in my process of crafting my perfect goal. I fiddled with all sorts of ideas and variations and settle on one that just feels perfect. Having ten million bucks in my bank account.

You can include a date as well. Just don't sweat it too much if the date doesn't work out, you can still include it. You can even keep an earlier date in your imagination, it will work fine. The date is a suggestion, along with the other aspects, not a deadline to comply to.

Refine thought forms- Go through details and make choices

So immediately after that, all sorts of doubts come up. Not even necessarily about how to do it- about the goal itself.

Isn't there something worn with money system? Should I even be participating in it? Shouldn't I be visualizing having gold, or Bitcoin? Shouldn't I have land? Going through these questions one by one, I draw on experience and hunches- and I decide- no, cash is for better or for worse the thing that people accept. I could do gold and land, but it's cash that ultimately matters because that's what people trade with. Fine by me. So, dear subconscious mind- this is settled, thanks for bringing this to my attention- we will be after cash. If the financial system breaks down then, we'll just manifest whatever is used then, when the time comes. It might seem silly to you that I'm considering the financial system when it's my personal fate I'm interested in. That's just some stuff that my folks were talking about at the dinner table, so it came up. Handle whatever comes up for you in a creative way so you can focus on your goal in a way that works for you.

Then it occurred to me that I might get the $10M by illegal means. That's certainly not what I want- there are all sorts of downsides and very little upside! I have zero interest in being an outlaw. One could conceivably use the Haipule to be a successful outlaw, but I strongly suspect most people wouldn't, given the choice. Have you heard of the crime outfit who set up a Pizza chain to launder money, and it got so popular they stopped crime to just do pizza? Lovely! So I just kind of free-associate and make choices about aspects of my goal. No, I don't want to be a successful criminal- the money in my visualization arrived by legal and ethical means. No one was hurt, everyone involved ended up better off than before.

Then it occurred to me I might still have obligations about the money- I could have received the money, but still need to fulfill some sort of contract that might or might not be that great to have to do. I was never particularly fond of the dynamic receiving investments creates, especially the reduction of free choice. So I will specify that the all obligations regarding the having of this money have been met, and all needed taxes have been paid. This money is mine.

So this is what the difference is between the long Haipule and the short Haipule. Long Haipule, you really go into detail about what it is you are creating. You work out details, weigh your options, and see what works for you. The goal is always to twist and turn your imaginary creation until you feel it really resonates with you- you get excited. You make choices based on what is really, really exciting. You layer and weave those choices into your creation. It's like making a recipe for a new souffle that is going to get your kitchen a Michelin star. In the short Haipule, you will simply think about your of creation a little, enough to get the feeling, and let it go again. This can be done in less than a minute.

So the thought form I created is of me, pulling out my phone, plumping my thumb down on the banking app, and- ten million bucks appear, and some spare change. I am aware that everything's kind of like before. I just happen to have this money.

It really doesn't matter if you can see any of this in your mind's eye. I'm very visual, so it makes sense for me to bring up a first-person picture- I can see my hands with my phone in it and the logo of the app. But that's not important- use your normal mode of thinking. Think of how you would remember the experience if it had really happened. Bring that up, best you can. It's just fine to just kind of know that the number in your account is $10k, to become aware of it. You can also call up the bank robot hotline and have them read it out to you, if you are more of a audible person. Get it all in cash and feel how heavy the suitcase is, if that works for you. Just fiddle around until you can have some kind of experience that this happened. A tiny bit of this happened and a lot of what the heck am I doing I could be watching football is a success, because there was a tiny bit of this happened going on.

Chose a physical gesture

By now, I'm feeling very, very excited, like YEEEEEEEEEAH. So I spontaneously pump my fist, like some folks who made it big in a wall street movie. That was the natural expression of the feeling I get from creating this thought form experience.

So now, I will bring up my created thought form experience. I punched the phone button, the number comes up- YEEEEEEAH, fist pump. I am physically acting out my emotional response to my exciting target. Any kind of gesture or pantomiming the feeling will do, just pick one. Play with different ones if you like. Simpler is usually better, a single fist pump is easier to remember than an elaborate dance routine! Although it might vary- if elaborate gives you more vibes, go for it. Try out stuff.

So now you have a thought form that is somewhat refined, and you have something physical you can do with your actual body to get yourself in the mood. Try out how much quicker you can bring up the feeling of experiencing the thought form when you do add the gesture.


So now you want to sum up your experience in words. Describe what you see in your imagination, and make a present tense statement about it. This is commonly known as an affirmation. It's the same thing, it's one layer of your Haipule. For me, this was "I have ten million dollars in my bank account".


And finally, you want to bring up your body to high energy.

In Huna, energy is called ki, the life force. It's a much like Chinese chi or Indian prana. However much energy you normally have, that's what your body is running on to organize and run all the little chemicals that it up. So when you have a lot of energy, that's when you're the best version of yourself. Vigorous, alive, effective, running the show. You have thrust!

In Huna, you can give yourself more ki simply by imagining it. It takes practice- you need to shift your body around to accomodate having more energy. So you just imagine you have more than you have right now. You get used to that, and the next time you load up on energy you will be able to stretch to do a little more. After a while, you will have more and more.

The most basic energy exercise in Huna is this: Breathe in, and be aware of the stars. Breathe out, and see all that starlight pouring into your body and filling you up repeatedly until it overflows out of your head. Great! You've been energized. There is much more you can do- in Huna you are always finding new better ways to energize yourself. But this alone will get you there most of the way.

Put it together

So now you have your four elements of the Haipule: Thought, action, symbolism, and energy. These also happend to be the fundamental elements of the reality we all live in. So with a Haipule, you are creating reality on purpose on all for levels at once. Does it make sense how effective it is, compared to just visualizing, or just using affirmations?

So you think about your thought form. It doesn't matter if it's visual, auditory, kinesthetic or if you just kind of are sharing an awareness with it. Think it however you usually think about specific concrete experience. Oh my, look at that, I still can't believe it- I just opened my Wise app (I bank with that, not affiliated). Sure enough, green font- ten million bucks (and some change). Holy hell this is amazing. Oh my goodness I'm so chill now. Everything I do now must be by choice- there is nothing I have to do now, I'm free. I have a credit card that's limitless for day-to-day stuff. It's bottomless money fountain day for me now every day, baby!!! Let the positive associations come in and bring yourself back to the experience. $10M. Oooooh yeah.

Now make the gesture- same thing but with the fist pump. For me, it's absolutely fascinating how much that adds to the feeling of it. Whoooooooooooah this is so happening. Sometimes it moves so much energy I can hardly believe it.

So now I'm being there with my Wise app open with the ten million, and I'm fist-pumping. And I slowly speel it out. I. Have. Ten. Million. Dollars. In. My. Bank. Account. BOOM. Fistpump. Experiencing it too.

And because all of that is just getting started, now I'm doing all that and the light of the stars is filling up from my legs into my hips and belly and chest and armes and head and now it's overflowing, while I'm still seeing and saying "I have ten million bucks" and fist-pumping in just that way that acts out I have it.

I suspect you can see how this is a very powerful form of auto-suggestion.

Wrap it into a formal ritual

Now the best way to do anything you do regularly is to give a little bit of ritual structure because we humans are hardwired to like it. It puts us at ease, and that will enhance the effectiveness even more.

Here's a crash course in constructing any kind of ritual- start strong, end strong, make it special. There is room for experimentation in-between. I like to start my Haipule by making an announcement to myself: All right, ku, my subconscous mind, we are going to get something done now. And it is this: WE- that is you and me, which is I- I have ten million dollars in my bank account and then it will be like a little entrance theme song and some thunder noise and strobocopic effects are happening. Then the intro is over and the ritual has started- I will start imagining, acting, verbalizing and energizing. The in-between has room for experimentation.

When I have a really good feel together, or when the time is up- end the ritual strong. It's up to you if you want to wing it and just finish whenver you feel the time is right, or if you want to use a timer and give yourself a specific amount of time. Either way, there is a traditional way to end a Haipule: Bring up an extra bit of energy, and then wrap the entire experience in a white ball of light, and send it, dramatically, up up up up into the sky, where it transcends your reality and joins the realm of your higher self.

That's good. You aren't supposed to worry about how to do it. You might get inspiration, that's fine, but it's your higher self's job to make it happen. You just make your thoughts happen. Instill this into your subconscious mind, and then let it go. Don't try to make it happen, it already happened. A great way, and the traditional way, to symbolize this, is to give the ritual experience and energy to the higher self to deal with.

After the thoughtform is sent up- say three times:

"Higher self, take this idea, and make the unseen become seen"
"Higher self, take this idea, and make the unseen become seen"
"Higher self, take this idea, and make the unseen become seen"

This is the traditional way (translated to English) and serves as a strong ending marker.

Then place your fist in the cup of your other hand and say "Pau", which means "done!". You can use the english "it is done" and a different closing gesture as well. It's good to develop a little repertoire of how you do things. It doesn't matter how you code them as long as you are used to it.

And that concludes the long Haipule.

After the long Haipule

Usually it's good to just hang out a little more and ease out of the dramatic experience. You did a lot of work with the Haipule- shamanic work. Now work's done- hang loose! Do something your body likes. If you have a little drawer full of treats you indulge in from time to time, you can do that. A nice glass of energized water will do as well. Or just cuddle into a nice blanket. After a while you can do some kind of entertainment or so, it's fine, but I'd keep it gentle. Or you can just go to sleep (just try not to fall asleep before the ritual ends). Kind of treat it like after a massage session, a little time to just chill out, situation permitting.

The Short Haipule

So when you have clarity and a lot of momentum, thanks to the long Haipule, now you want to take the little thought form you created, and integrate it into your life. The best way to do this is repeat, repeat, repeat... Daily would be a bare minimum for a short Haipule. The good news is you can do it in under a minute. You do exactly the same ritual as with the Long Haipule: Imagine, say it, gesture it, energize- send it up to the higher self, say 'take this idea...' once, and pau. Bring up the experience into yourself, stick with it under a minute, and close the ritual. You can do this completely in your mind with very subtle gestures- you can do this anywhere where it's practical to daydream. Office desk, the bus, in a queue, walking down the street. You can have timers- start with three a day and work yourself up to hourly- or you can have triggers, always do it in a certain situation.

This is what really makes it happen. You created the thought form in your long Haipule- this attaches it to your life.

Changing the little things

Now that you're doing a lot of Haipule auto-suggestion all through your day, a lot of this will come naturally. But if you notice something in you everyday behavior that is achingly out of whack with your goal- change it.

Now, if you're visualizing you have 10 million bucks, and you're barely scraping by in your everyday experience, obviously you can't go buy a Yacht.

But you can stop driving out of your way to save 10 cents on gas. Just take one thing at a time that's easily within reach for you that you can afford to change, and change it to be more in line with your goal. Purely symbolic is fine.

You can also find different explanations. If thoughts come up, like- okay, so I'm manifesting 10 million bucks, why am I living in this one bedroom apartment?

Now, if you can convince your subconscious mind saying "this is just residual old energy', use that. You can use that for everything. But if you're feeling a bit down by lack of progres, it can be good to play-act. "Oh, I have the ten million, but I'm new in town and I just ran into this". Or, 'oh this apartment is perfectly good enough, I like shabby-chic. I can't wait to hang up my new original Picasso." Kind of coax yourself in a playful way to be more in the way of thinking that your new idea would call for.

You can change your wardrobe a little, if you feel that. Get it at goodwill, it's fine- as long as it's snazzy. By which I mean, it gives you the vibe of your goal. Get a different haircut. You can get a very cheap haircut, but put attention into chosing the hairdresser. or pay $5 more and see if you can get a much better haircut just by not pinching the last penny.

Occasionally- buy something expensive that's still in reach. Like, some really nice soap. A cup of coffee and a croissant in a really upscale place. You don't have to do it more than once if you don't want to, but the memory of it will be forever. That's a lot easier than making up everything!

Now, if you weren't doing a money goal, do the equivalent. Behave like the person with the relationship, do non-single-people stuff in some convincing way that you can do right now. Act out like you have the skill, just imagine the audience. And so on. Take whatever steps you can towards the goal that feel okay.

Don't jump out of the window and yell "I can fly". When you're ready, you will lift off just fine. Don't force it- but make little adjustments as much as you can.

This stuff is fun once you get started. like really fun. Breaks the dreaded life routine. That alone is worth it.

Receive it

When you've done all of that stuff, the time will come when there are very obvious moves to make to receive your creation.

For the money goal- it might be something like actually getting an inheritance from someone you didn't know existed (after cross checking credentials it's genuine). That's obvious- you go down to the notary and sign that, yes, you accept receiving ten milion dollars. That sort of obvious. Someone special asks you out, and it feels amazing, and you have clear inner signals to move forward- well, there you go! You accept and straight forwardly schedule a meet-and-greet.

That's the only sort of direct action you will take towards your goal. Now, if you you receive inspiration, by all means do that- but you don't need to go and talk to a million people if it feels like drudgery. What you want to do is things that are fun. Here's the kicker- the fun stuff is your path to your goal if you visualize the goal properly. You visualize your goal- the spontaneous fun stuff is your new guideline that you're on track. You get to have your cake and eat it too- just be yourself, and be a real no-nonsense achiever. You get to be a kid in a candy store, and also a very no-nonsense adult who gets important things done, and amazingly well and fast at that.


Doing a Haipule to create something as life-changing as a large amount of money takes a lot of skill and perceverence. No matter how you slice it, if you need to change a lot of your inner workings to get something done, it's going to take a lot of effort to get over the inertia (but it will still be a gazillion times easier than trying to come up with a plan without it, especially if you want the plan to work).

Here are some common problems and how you can respond.

Nothing is happening

If you do a lot of Haipules and you aren't getting any notable change, jump start it by putting the change in. So, you're visualizing money but you're still broke. Create ways you're rich. The public square you're standing on cost $1B to build and you're allowed to stand there. If a broker wanted to sell your apartment, they could make it look very expensive with a few tricks- so you're not far away from that!

If none of that works, try adding a blessing game. Bless all signs of wealth, for the money goal. Be happy for the billionaires (not necessarily everything they do, just that they are successful. Good for them!). Bless the quality in expensive cars. Enjoy the luxury of expensive handbags, even if you have no intent of buying one. Book a train ticket and admire what it took to build the train you are now a part of. Now consider how much more wealthy you are compared to people just a little while ago. Appreciate what you can find, and if you can't find anything, make something.

If you absolutely cannot find any progress, you've hit a snag. It's fine, we all have them. Get rid of them.

Painful things happen

It's pretty normal that if you make large changes, anything that is out of whack will come up. You need to decide for yourself how much stretching you can do at once. You can back off a little and then start again, that's fine. What's important is that you don't give up completely. If you can't get over the pain with persistance, you've hit a snag. It's fine, we all have them. Get rid of them.

You keep finding ways to not practice

This is a very common one. The Haipule is so powerful, it will be a prime target for self-sabotage to a subconscious mind who believes that any changes is dangerous.

Try to really make yourself remember. You can lower the count a bit to back off, but try to keep at it. This is one where it's good to just keep nudging. If it gets too much, it's fine to just take a break and take it up again.

If you just can't get yourself to focus on it, you've hit a snag.

You get paralized with fear

De-sensitize yourself- do a little bit at a time and increase the dosage. If you feel you cannot continue ever again, you've hit a snag.

You fret how

The whole point of using auto-suggestion is to free you of having to figure out how to do things. Your mind just isn't made for that, it's there to focus attention. Your subconscious mind is made to figure out how, and it has infinite parallel computing power and telepathic connection to whatever-might-be-needed. Those inner resources are there to figure out how. You just need to figure out what. It takes a lot of trust but you'll get there, and you will get constant 'getting started' guidance as well.

You change your mind

This one is also very, very common- your subconscious mind will tell you all about why you shouldn't change when you start a big change. The key here is to treat the doubts that come up not as fact, but as your subcoscious mind requesting guidance. What do we do with this, boss? If you accept the old doubt, you are saying: This is serious, keep it. Then you don't change. You need to stretch, and say: Oh this? This isn't true, at least not for us. Look, this is true... we can do it. And so on. It might feel very unnatural at first but you get used to it. If you feel you cannot get used to it- you've hit a snag. It's very normal and something can be done about it.

You make up reasons why it can't be done

This is one you want to immediately address with creative done: OF COURSE it can be done. Talk the masked doubt out of existence. Be as authoritative as you can. Of course it can be done. Definitely. Argue back until all you hear is reasons why it can be done. If you feel you cannot to this... you get the idea, you've hit a snag.

Snag removal

A snag- or emotional complex, traumatic memory, negative belief, or soul loss- it's all the same thing- is an area of your body and by extension your mind where no movement is possible without causing an unpleasant cathartic release.

Emotionally, it feels just awful, and usually it's masked by chronic tensions that prevents integrating the emotion. We usually pick up the habit from somewhere, possibly other's expectations as a child. Snags of this kind can be quite far reaching and hard to spot because you're usually used to them. But if you get any kind of pushback on what you want to achieve that doesn't clear up with some persistence- snag time.

Snags are problematic because they disrupt your energy system. The more snags you have, the less well the Haipule will work. The less you have, the better it will work. So the idea is to remove the snags.

Some Huna techniques for removing snags are symbol healing and trash collecting- and the heavy-duty soul retrieval. The tough part is to actually allow yourself to feel the emotion behind them. It's usually very painful to uncover. But it can still be done if you convince your subconcious that it will prevent even worse pain later and give you the pleasure of success.

So if I just couldn't do my Haipule because I come down with a weird back pain- I would first frame the feeling as something to be grateful for, best I can. It will allow me to get rid of a snag, and those are usually hard to find, so good luck I've found one. Now I would ask myself: What would I have to believe to feel this? Usually I will get a (terribly negative) answer and the snag will disappear. If it's still there after a few rounds of this, I'll switch to symbol healing, and also bringing up memories reflected by the feeling, and changing them, just like the symbols.

If I really can't get improvement, I'll do a soul retrieval for myself... and if all else fails, get one done for me. A great way to get healing done for you is to meet with nonphysical shamans. They can be so healing.

What to expect

Manifesting can be like waving a wand and it happens, but that's only if there are no snags and not too many required changes. Otherwise it can be more challenging. it's not really possible to know how long a manifestation will take, but you can really help the process by doing your Haipule as often as you can, and removing snags. You can also try differently sized goals and see if one works better than the other.

For a large life goal like a large sum of money, it's entirely possible it would happen quickly, but more likely would be that I'd get all sorts of small symbolic changes after a few days, larger changes in outlook in a couple of months, behavior changes as well. Perhaps increases in skill. It's important to give the Haipule credit for all changes like this that might be so clearly a result of your manifesting if there weren't so many of them that all point to succeeding at this exact thing.

The idea is to do your best and mostly do it for the enjoyment of the process. This isn't to make excuses for when it doesn't work, this is to make it work as well as can be. There is no yardstick- no one knows how long you are supposed to take. But you can almost immediately use the visualizing to make yourself feel really good, and that's why you want to do what you do in the first place.

So I would expect to spend a few months doing lots and lots of Haipules and then starting to have partial successes, more refining, posisbly quite a few snags and eventually real success like you imagined.

You have to treat it like you're going on a drive. You don't question you're going to arrive, you just do it.

What really helps is to appreciate any successes you do get. You visualized $10M and you found a fiver- a fiver is more than nothing. Give thanks. It's a sign of success. Found nothing? Use dreamchanging to put situations that involve you having your goal in everyday lives, like feeling money in your pocket.

Now, I know this sounds like it's hard, and it might be depending on your outlook, but it doesn't have to be, and it gets better over time.

Expect venturing off the beaten path, plenty of adventure, and eventually, a very strong very enjoyable sense of power and self-reliance like nothing you've ever seen before. Astronomical self-esteem, and entirely in a good way. You will eventually gain absolutely ravishing success, because the Haipule is the best way to practice yourself as kanaloa, an integrated being who takes inspiration from the high self and communicates that to the low self to make it happen.

I hope you achieve success from this HowTo example. To sum it up- you create your thought form, express it as a gesture, verbalize it and energize it. Then you integrate the new idea into your life and heal any snags you might have relating to your goal. If you have problems, in doubt solve through more imagining what you want to happen, such as dreamchanging. Use heavy-duty snag-removal tools if you can't continue otherwise. Finally, act on obvious opportunity- or innocent fun.

I'm going to keep for myself how my goal played out! But it involved a tremendous physical achievement along the lines of the goal, though not exactly, but close enough. I was able to chose whether to work! I've got a new one now.

May you achieve all you will, and be blessed! Thank you for reading.

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30 October, 2024 How-To

How To Do Telepathy

As is customary with Huna teachings, telepathy isn't something you need to do anything special about. It happens naturally. But with Huna, you can do it on purpose. Then you can master it.

You are connected to everyone and everything all the time. There are little cords going out from you to everyone else, the question only is how thick they are. When you think about someone, you strengthen the connection.

If you are scientifically inclined, think of it as an electromagnetic-like energy with more resonance the more power the transmitter and the more tuned the receiver.

If you think about your parents, you have a connection. If you think about the philosopher Plato 2000 years ago, you have a connection to him, because telepathy transcends time. If you think about Mickey Mouse, you have a telepathic connection to Mickey Mouse! Because fictional worlds need to exist in order for someone to write about them. You can even have telepathic conversations with different versions of you who made different major decisions in life, with your past lives, with your ancestors, you name it. There are no limits.

28 October, 2024 How-To

Love Relationship Success With Huna

One of the hardest things you can do is fall in love and have a relationship. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but I mean it as a compliment. It means that whether you're just thinking about a relationship, or met someone and are wondering if they like you back, or have been married for 50 years- you are already doing really good just for having a go at it!

There's a reason for that. It affects every part of your life. Your identity, your plans, your physical surroundings, your body, your thinking, everything. No one else will ever get that close to you.

You can think of a relationship as something that is going to take every aspect of your being and give it a good shake!

So it's naturally going to hurt... that is, unless you are flexible.

Movement only hurts if you're not flexible.

So the first thing you want to do if you are interested in having or improving a love relationship is to be as flexible as you can be in your mind. The best way I know to do this is to have a few things you want to make happen for yourself, and also to clean up as many emotional snags as you can. You don't have to wait by any means, but it's good to have an ongoing process of making things better for yourself.

Then, the next step, whether you are already in a relationship or not, is to love them.

7 October, 2024 How-To

How To Change Your Life With Huna

In most of Western teaching you are not assumed to be in charge, so when you learn Huna, it can be very confusing that there is no one there to tell you what to do.

This is a feature, not a bug. The point of Huna is to make you free. So if you want to learn Huna, the best way to do it is to fix a problem in your life.

Broke? Pick this.

Stuck? Pick that.

Airheaded? Pick that!

Angry? Pick that.

Huna is a philosophy that will allow you to change everything about your life that is humanly possible. If you can't do it with Huna, there is a weird spiritual reason grafted to reality itself, and that is rare, friends. Everything else is fair game.

19 October, 2023 How-To

How To Get Rich

And now for the big one- how to get rich, using Huna.

To answer your first question up front- yes, I have!

10 October, 2023 How-To

How To Heal The Worst

When the news reaches you and that news is not good- it disturbs you, and you find yourself going into a spiral of feelings of violent rage- and I'm speaking from personal experience right now- then it is a good time to heal yourself, and do your part to heal a situation.

The first thing to know is that you- right now- don't have to do anything about those feelings. You can just let them run their course. If you're like me, and the unbearable made you think and feel thinks you didn't quite know you had in you- that's okay. You don't have to act on it. You can do things differently, but you you don't need to hold back on feeling these things.

After you've done that for a while, acknowledging what you feel, realizing it isn't pretty, and doesn't have to be pretty, and you don't need to do anything right away- you will reach a point where those feelings have run their course and you will feel more calm. You don't have to force yourself to get there, it will come by itself. It helps to know you don't have to do anything about those feelings, for the time being- but if they do stir you into doing something, and that is a good thing, like reaching out to people you love- go ahead! My point is that if you get really angry and you feel like harming people or similar- there is nothing wrong with you. This is a pretty normal reaction to harsh events. But it is important to know you don't have to do anything about this, you can let these feelings run their course and only act when you can tell that there is some sort of inspiration coming through from them and you will be acting in a way that is good, that helps.

25 September, 2023 How-To

How To Take Charge Of Your Life

Now that most of the techniques and ideas in Huna Kupua have been shared on this blog, we'll be focusing on a new kind of article- the How-To. In these, we'll be going through processes of getting specific things done using Huna, with examples of chosing a goal, picking techniques to use, meeting challenges and persistently following through until a change has been achieved.

We'll start with the biggest one- taking charge of your entire life.

Don't worry- this may sound intimidating, but it's not about forcing yourself to go somewhere you "should" go, that very idea is completely foreign to Huna. We will simply learn from you which things are already very important to you, and acknowledge them so you can be yourself even better.

To give yourself direction, it's good to chose a core philosophy of life. There are lots of different ones, and personally, I chose Huna's- nothing else has ever given me that much freedom and still that much power. Huna's core philosophy is in its first principle: